Writing Life

I am Jan Krause Greene. I explore the vast capacity of the human heart as a novelist, poet and storyteller. My first novel was released in August of 2013. I currently have three other works in progress.

Introducing Renee Novelle

Dear Readers,

Some of the fun of having a blog is getting a chance to introduce and promote other authors. So without further ado, I'd like to introduce you to Renee Novelle. She is a woman with many talents -author, journalist, screenwriter and blogger.  Not only that, she is amazingly prolific.


I asked her how she manages to get so many books out so quickly. Her answer:

I made a deal with the devil... Lol, no just kidding. I'm very focused when I write. And I think all my years in journalism provided a great lesson in writing tight prose on a tight deadline. It also helps that I have a short attention span. After two months or so I get bored and need to move on to the next story. I prefer to have a book completed before that happens or it may sit on my computer unfinished for years!

True to her word, she has a brand new book coming out this week.  The Boyfriend List  is a light, New Adult romance about friendship, trust, and learning to let go in order to embrace what real love can offer.


Here's a little Q&A with Renee:

Me: Is there a message you’re trying to get across the readers? What’s the one thing you want readers to think when they have finished your book

Renee: Providing entertainment is my primary goal for my readers. But after that, I would love for them to put down the book and look a life a little differently. Be a little happier, think a little deeper, question a little more. That’s the beauty in a book that you can’t necessarily find in all other art forms.

Me: When did you know you wanted to write a book?

Renee: I’ve always loved writing, but it wasn’t until I was about 11 or 12 that I felt the need to write a full-length book. Since then, I’ve been obsessed with the idea. 

I can't resist commenting!  Obsessed for sure. In 2013, she released 3 books! Calculated, Driven and Reflections. I'm impressed. Very!

Me: Where’s your favorite place to write?

 Renee: I write in my office most frequently, or as I’ve termed it, my writing cave. There I’m surrounded by my personal inspiration and things that have meaning to me, and it really gets my creative juices flowing.

Me: What advice would you give to aspiring writers?

Renee: Practice all the time! Write everything, at every opportunity. Jot down your ideas and hone your skill until it shines. I don’t think there’s any such thing as being the “perfect” writer, it’s all kind of a beautiful learning process, but always strive to make each work better than the last. And grow a thick skin because readers have lots of opinions.

Me: What’s one thing about the writing process that you think every writer should know?

Renee: That promotion takes WAY more work than I ever thought. But it’s a very necessary part, and can be really enjoyable once you start making contacts and developing relationships.

Again, I can't resist. Promotion does take tons of work. It was the biggest surprise for me as a new author....and developing relationships with other authors and bloggers is the pleasant reward for all the hard work of promotion.

Me: What’s your favorite part about the writing process?

Renee: I actually really enjoy the editing process. Writing that outline and skeleton draft can be brutal. But then cleaning it up, adding the detail, making the characters really come alive, that’s absolutely heaven.

Here are some ways to buy her brand new, hot-off-the-press book!

Amazon - The Boyfriend List
Barnes & Noble - The Boyfriend List
Smashwords - The Boyfriend List

You can connect with Renee here. I am sure she would love to hear from you. 

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ReneeNovelle

Twitter - https://twitter.com/RS_Novelle

Goodreads - https://www.goodreads.com/RSNovelle