
More easy ways to use less plastic

Loving, protecting and living on the earth!

Plastic - part 3

In a recent post, I asked people to send me suggestions on easy way to use less plastic in the kitchen.

Here are the suggestions I received:

1. Buy only fresh produce that is not packaged at all.

2. Use wax paper.

3.If you have to use plastic, use the smallest size bag or segment that you can.

4. Never buy bottled water.

The one about bottled water was submitted multiple times.

So, how about you? How have you cut down on the use of plastic in your kitchen?


The Plastic Bank.....social plastic, an idea whose time has come!

Loving, protecting and living on the earth 

Another post about plastic, but this one is good news! This will be very short.

Please, check out the Plastic Bank - Harvesting Plastic Waste to Reduce Poverty.            

The website is plasticbank.org

What a brilliant idea they have! I don't know these people, but I am pretty sure I love them:

David Katz is the founder and President of The Plastic Bank. According to the website, David's dream was to bring hope to and liberate the minds of the world’s most disadvantaged and to rid the world of ocean plastic.  His inspiration came from his travels, seeing beaches with more plastic than sand and people living in extreme poverty withouthope.  David realized that, not only do the people of the world need hope, but also that the world itself is also struggling.  I realize this too.

plastic in ocean
plastic in ocean

Shaun Frankson is a social entrepreneur.  He wants to change the world. So do I.

Andrew Almack believes in the power of social entrepreneurship to change human behavior.  I believe in the power of ideas to change human behavior.

Sarah Ross is dedicated to making the world a better place for her children and her children's children. So am I.

Please go to their website and read about this revolutionary idea. If it makes sense to you, the way it does to me, please sign their petition asking companies to use social plastic in order to improve lives while reducing plastic waste.

If you know of any other innovative businesses that are trying to solve environmental problems and improve lives, please leave a comment.

I want to introduce my readers to all of them, because I know that if we all work together we can protect the environment and improve the lives of those living in dire circumstances.

With open minds and optimistic hearts we can make a difference.                                      That is why WE are here NOW.